Cobra Video was a gay pornographic studio launched in 2001 by washed up medical photographer and borderline child predator Bryan Kocis, and lasted until early 2007 when he was brutally murdered by two wannabe movie producers/gangsters who were obsessed with a certain actor of his, Brent Corrigan. The story of Corrigan's descent into underage porn acting and his indirect involvement with the murder of his former boss is pretty much the universal maximum of knowledge most people have when it comes to Cobra Video. Not even Wikipedia gives much information on Cobra beyond this. This article will attempt to give the most complete story of this brazen company and its tumultuous history, from a relatively neutral point of view. Without relying so much on the drama of Brent Corrigan, this is the fullest possible retelling of the story of Cobra Video, otherwise known as how not to run a porn studio.
The story of Cobra Video begins at the Rochester Institute of Technology, a highly prestigious research university and one of the top ranking doctoral universities in the United States. It is the university where John Resig, the creator of jQuery - the most widely developed JavaScript library on the web - obtained his bachelor's degree in computer science in 2005. But long before Resig and JavaScript came along, a young Bryan Charles Kocis was attending RIT in the early 1980s, pursuing a degree in medical photography.
Kocis was a man of charisma, sleaze and cockiness. He is remembered by everyone who knew him as either a narcissistic creepshow, or as an intelligent, down-to-earth friend. Either way, he was one for character, and having a strong character is one of the biggest keys to a successful life. Kocis certainly knew this of himself, though this likely to developed into an overreliance on his own personality just to get ahead. It likely worked for him in high school when he became an Eagle Scout, but not so much in the rather cold world of medicine and technology. Kocis earned his medical photography degree, and used it to work a local eye doctor in his hometown of Larksville, Pennsylvania. Not the most impressive of positions, but it kept him grounded through the 80s and most of the 90s. It was around the turn of the century that he fianally quit, presumably determined to use his wits and charisma to make a better name for himself.
In 2000, Kocis entered the world of telephone communications. He helped co-found a start-up cellular telephone company with an anonymous business partner that year. Little is known to this day about the telephone company Kocis was involved with, though evidently it was not successful enough to save Kocis from being on the border of filing for bankruptcy in early 2001. By this point in time he had amassed over $200,000 in credit card debt, and with an unsuccessful telephone business not lending a helping hand, he needed a new way out.
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